About the Journal



The Water Management Journal in Latin America (Revista de Gestão de Água da América Latina - REGA) is a journal of the Brazilian Water Resources Association – (Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos - ABRHidro, published in partnership with Latin American institutions and registered under International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 2359-1919. It aims to publish, disseminate and promote the exchange of studies and research developed in Latin America in the area of Water Resources Management.

The scope of the REGA covers topics related to Water Resources Management, with institutional aspects, legal aspects, management tools, integrated management, shared management, among others, covering the following areas: hydraulics, relations between water resources and sanitation urban water, hydrometeorology, irrigation, drainage, quantity of water and quality management. , hydroelectric power, limnology, hydrogeology, erosion, sedimentation, environmental technologies, measurements and instrumentation of water resources.

REGA initiated its publication in 2004, on biannual frequency, and is administered by an Editorial Board consisting of an Editor in Chief, Associate Editors and an executive editor. Currently, accepted articles are published continuously, immediately after editing.

REGA has the support of the Global Water Partnership of South America, an international network of organizations involved in water resources management: governments, academia, professional associations, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector.


Mission and Editorial Policy


The Water Management Journal in Latin America (REGA) is a scientific journal published by Brazilian Water Resources Association (ABRHidro) in partnership with institutions from Latin America. Its goal is to publish manuscript with unquestionable scientific and technical contribution, and to provide a forum for knowledge exchange among the interdisciplinary community in the area of water resources management.

The judicious editorial policy of REGA aims to produce a journal with excellent international quality, focused on the scientific community from Brazil and Latin America. In this context, the publication of manuscript papers that contain unprecedented scientific and technological.


Ethical Guidelines for publication in the REGA journal


The REGA journal maintains the highest ethical standards regarding articles published in its issues. The content of the articles published in the REGA journal are the authors’ responsibility and should provide a contribution to technical and scientific knowledge in water resources.

The article should not contain commercial aspects and advertising of any kind, it should avoid personal polemics and discrimination of gender, race or of any other kind.

The articles submitted must show the work objectively and precisely, besides discussing the importance of the results. Data used must be described objectively and the article must contain sufficient details to allow others to reproduce the work done.

When the authors submit their papers to the REGA journal for publication, they certify that the work presented is original, not copied or plagiarized, completely or in part. The authors must guarantee that the works are entirely original except for parts previously presented at congresses or that are part of a thesis or dissertation. If the authors have used the work or words of others, the appropriate citations and references must be included.

Authors of the papers are those who made a significant contribution to its concept, implementation or interpretation. All who made significant contributions must be listed as co-authors.

People who participated in some substantial aspects of the research project but whose contributions do not justify co-authorship must be recognized or mentioned as contributors in a final Acknowledgments section. All the authors must receive a copy of the manuscript, and agree to share the responsibility for the results, signing a letter of responsibility.

The manuscript review process is open, where reviewers can know the name of the authors of the work and authors can know the name of the reviewers.

The editors and reviewers have a commitment to maintain confidentiality, professional respect without discriminating the authors, objectivity, impartiality in the decision processes and to not use privileged information to further their own interests.

The following attitudes are unethical and unacceptable behavior by the authors, which are subject to measures taken by the journal’s editorial committee:

  • Submitting the manuscript describing essentially the same research to more than one journal or publication;
  • Submitting the same manuscript to the REGA journal and to another journal at the same time;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Untrue or incorrect statements;
  • Suppressing, altering or making fraudulent use of the data on which the article is based.


Intellectual Property


The Creative Commons CC-BY (CC BY 4.0), unless otherwise stated, licenses all published material.

The journal is an Open Source with free access.


Preprint publishing

The REGA journal supports the good practices of Open Science that result in a more transparent editorial process. Accordingly, manuscripts deposited on preprint servers may be submitted to REGA. The journal’s editorial committee will decide the peer review process for manuscripts from preprint servers.

Preprints are defined as an author's version for a research manuscript prior to formal peer review in a journal, which is deposited with a public servant. Preprints can be deposited at any time during the peer review process. The publication of preprints is not considered a prior publication and will not compromise the consideration of this journal.

Once the accepted manuscript is published in REGA, the preprint version must be changed to include the link that directs to the final version published in the journal.

Authors can choose the preprint server. The journal’s editorial committee recommends SciELO Preprints server at https://preprints.scielo.org.

PKP Preservation Network

REGA is preserving published manuscripts with PKP Preservation Network ensuring that the content will be secure and available into the future. PKP Preservation Network functions as a “dark archive”. PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network to digitally preserve OJS journals. The LOCKSS program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content. Our content can be checked in the PKP Index (http://index.pkp.sfu.ca/index.php/index).


There is no charge for submission of manuscripts or publication of accepted articles.



ABRHidro - Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos

GWP - Global Water Partnership da América do Sul


Editorial Policy

Manuscripts should be written in Portuguese. Articles in Spanish and English are accepted and the TITLE, ABSTRACT, and KEY-WORDS must be in Portuguese.

The article sent should not be in the process of submission to another journal or agency for publication, and should not have been published previously, except as an abstract for a scientific event. According to the single Paragraph of Article 2 of REGA Rules, the scope of the Journal covers topics related to the following subject areas: hydraulics, relations between water resources and environmental sanitation, urban water, hydrometeorology, irrigation, drainage, water quantity and quality management, hydropower, limnology, hydrogeology, erosion, sedimentation, environmental technologies, measurements and instrumentation of water resources.

The manuscript should be sent by internet to the following address: http://www.abrh.org.br/rega according to the instructions for use. A separate file entitled Affiliation and Contribution of Authors must be submitted, where the names of the authors and the individual contributions of each to the submitted manuscript are presented. Besides the identification of the authors via the system, it is requested that (also via the system) the file be sent in Doc with the complete name, affiliation (institution, city, state, country, email and ORCID) and contribution of the authors. This information will be used if the article is accepted for publication. The author must agree to the following conditions (via the system) when the manuscript is sent: take responsibility for the other authors, if any, as co-responsible for the technical and scientific content of the article, according to Article 5 of Brazilian Law N. 9610, regarding Copyright

The manuscripts subdivided into parts I, II, etc., must be registered separately, but will be submitted to the same reviewers. The manuscripts may contain figures in color (pictures, graphs, plots, and other), but the maximum permissible size of the complete file is 30Mb (Megabytes). Manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the authors to correct the problems. The classification of manuscripts sent as Scientific/Technical, and that Editors and Reviewers interpret as being in the style of a Technical Note should be altered, and they will be reevaluated if alterations are requested. If the authors do not agree with the change to the Technical Note, the manuscript will be rejected.


Conflict of interest

Public reliability in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend, in part, on how conflicts of interest are managed during writing, peer review and decision-making by the editors.

When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their work. Authors must recognize in the manuscript all financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections in relation to the research. The ad hoc reviewer must disclose to the editors any conflicts of interest that may influence his opinion on the manuscript and, when applicable, must declare himself disqualified to review it.


Processing and Peer Review system/ Criteria for refereeing

The manuscripts are sent to two reviewers for evaluation and should present a technical and scientific contribution to the community.

The manuscripts should be submitted through the REGA’s electronic system for manuscript submission at http://www.abrh.org.br/rega, where the author responsible will be informed, as well as all the data for the identification of the co-authors. The manuscript received will be treated according to the procedures established by the Journal Editorial Board.

The manuscript-reviewing process in the REGA is meticulous. Voluntary reviewers apply their knowledge and dedicate many hours of their precious time to ensure that the articles will be published within a defined period and will be appropriate for publication in the Journal.

Technical review: The papers will be evaluated first as to compliance with the rules of publication and documentation required to submit the manuscripts. If they are not by the instructions, they will be returned to the authors to adapt them to the scope of the journal. If the manuscript is not within the expected parameters, the Editor in-Chief will return it to the corresponding author.

Pre-analysis: the manuscripts approved by the technical review will be submitted to the Associate Editors for appreciation regarding their adequacy to the scope of the journal. If the manuscript is not within the expected parameters, the Editor in-Chief will return it to the corresponding author.

Analysis of merit and content: the manuscripts approved by the Associate Editors will be evaluated for merit and scientific method by at least two ad-hoc reporters from units that are not those from which the paper comes, besides the Chief Editor. The Chief Editor will decide whether the manuscript will be accepted. When the original has to be revised, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author for modification. A revised version with the changes made will be re-submitted by the authors and reevaluated by the Chief Editor, Associate Editors, and reviewers as needed. The manuscripts that have been refused, but which could be reformulated can return as a new paper, beginning another judgment process.

After approval regarding scientific merit, an independent expert appointed by the journal will submit the papers to a final review. The author(s) will pay for this service, and the necessary procedure, the value of the service and the form of payment of the professional will be sent to the corresponding author. If they are not adequate, the papers will be sent to the authors for revision.

Throughout the article submission process, both reviewers and authors can be identified by the other party.

The concepts issue in the papers published will be the exclusive responsibility of the authors and are not obliged to reflect the opinion of the Chief Editor or Editorial Board.


Editorial Board

The editorial board of the REGA comprises the Chief Editor, Associate Editors and Executive Editor (Look at Editorial Board). The Executive Editor is the main person responsible for following the manuscript review process at the REGA, inviting Reviewers and informing Authors, and thus helping the Associate Editors in the process. The Chief Editor, besides establishing guidelines for the REGA is also involved in polemical cases and analyzing appeals by authors regarding the Editorial Decision.


Appeals against an Editorial Decision

The author(s) can appeal an Editorial Decision to reject a manuscript. This procedure should be performed via the system using the option “Send E-mail,” for the rejected manuscript. The authors should supply elements that justify the appeal which will be analyzed by the Associate Editor and Chief Editor. If the appeal is accepted, the manuscript review process may be re-opened.


Copyright Statement

When submitting the article, please note that:

The authors, when granting the Brazilian Water Resources Association - ABRHidro (editor of REGA) the right to publish the paper and accept the terms and conditions of the CC BY 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allow ABRHidro to reproduce, distribute, perform publicly, create adaptations and use the work commercially, if declared by the author. ABRHidro has the exclusive right to determine all technical aspects for publication, including the form of distribution. In addition, the authors grant ABRHidro a non-exclusive license to use the work as follows:

  1. Store the work in electronic format, distribute parts or all of the paper in order to promote ABRHidro through computer networks and other digital media; record the paper in any form, including digital media, and reproduce it in any form, including digital media;
  2. Record the paper in the memory of public computers located in the ABRHidro office (or rooms used by ABRHidro);
  3. Make the paper available and send it through multimedia networks, esp. Internet and Intranet online, on demand, including making the paper publicly available, so that anyone can gain access to the paper or its parts, wherever and whenever it is convenient for them.


Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY): Allows other people to distribute and copy the paper; to create extracts, abstracts and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works from the paper (such as a translation); to include in a collective work ( as an anthology); to extract text or data from the paper, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author (s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation to the paper and do not modify the paper in such a way as to harm the author's honor or reputation. 



For open access publishing, REGA uses an exclusive license agreement. Authors will retain copyright together with academic use rights and REGA will receive publication and distribution rights.


Author self-archiving policy

REGA allows and encourages the authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites and institutional or financial repositories after publication. The final version published in PDF must be used and the bibliographic details that credit the publication in this journal must be included.

File Format

The text should be compatible with the Microsoft Word editor format (Doc or Docx). The following guidelines should be obeyed:

- Configuration of the page        

  • Size of paper: A4 (210x297 mm);
  • Columns: one column
  • Spacing between lines: simple;
  • Figures or tables that exceed the width of a column should be inserted into a section at the end of the article or in an attached file:
  • Equations must not exceed the width of a column.
  • Number the pages and do not use headers, footers or footnotes;
  • Number the lines of each page;
  • The name of the document that contains the article in a Word format may contain parts or complete names of the principal author and co-authors
  • Fonts - text and tables: 10- point Garamond font; titles of tables and figures: 9-point Garamond Bold; other titles: 11- point Garamond Bold
  • Illustrations and tables

                 Width recommended for figures: one column in the Journal; maximum size: 17 x12 cm;

                  The lines used in the figures and graphs should not be too fine, and the texts and captions should not be too small or too big concerning the figure size;

                  Captions: cross-hatched or grayscale, black and white photos; the articles can  be printed in color if the author pays the additional printing costs;

                   Try to create tables that will fit into one column of the Journal or, at most, half a page;

                   The figures should be included in the text and sent in a separate file in TIFF, JPEG, PCX, GIF or BMP format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

- Equations

Whenever possible, prepare mathematical characters and equations using the Microsoft Equation available in all versions of Word from Microsoft Office, 2003. Users of Word 2007/2010 can send files in the Docx format and use the new equation editor available in these versions.

- References

              - All references must be cited in the text and vice versa;

              - Citations in the text should be in small letters and references in capital letters.



Scientific/Technical Article


This refers to the report on original research, with a well-defined hypothesis, favoring innovative topics. The texts should cover the items highlighted in capital letters and in bold, without a paragraph and numbering, leaving two spaces (twice ENTER) after the previous item and one space (a single ENTER) to begin the text in the following order: for an article in Portuguese or Spanish: title (Portuguese or Spanish); name of authors, abstract (resumo), keywords (palavras chave); title (English), abstract and keywords. For an article in English: title (English), name of authors; abstract, keywords; title (Portuguese), resumo and palavras chave. To make sure that peer analysis will be blind, the papers submitted should be presented without authors and footnotes.

TITLE: Centered; it should be clear and concise, allowing immediate identification of the article content, trying to avoid words such as analysis, study, and evaluation. The manuscripts should present the title in Portuguese and English, enabling the presentation of a bilingual summary.

AUTHORS: The number of authors should be the minimum possible, considering only people who participated in the article and can answer for it fully or in essential parts. The authors must present complete affiliation, indicating the institution, city, state, and country. When necessary, the Editorial Board may request justifications to explain the presence of the authors in the paper, as well as present the indication of the contribution made by each author. The authors will be identified in the paper sent for evaluation. The editors will remove the authors’ names before sending them to the reviewers, and the information will only be inserted into the articles after the paper is approved.

ABSTRACT: The text must begin on the second line after the item, it should be clear, concise and must explain the intended objective(s) seeking to justify their importance (without including references), the main procedures adopted, the most significant results and conclusions, with a maximum of 12 lines. Below it, on the second line after the item, should appear the KEYWORDS (at most six trying not to repeat the words in the title). Written in small letters and bold.  A complete version of the ABSTRACT in English should present the following distribution: TITLE, ABSTRACT, and KEYWORDS.

INTRODUCTION: This presents the topic to be discussed, its objectives and purposes, informing what methods were used, precise delimitation of the research in relation to the field of knowledge, periods covered, and other elements needed to situate the topic of the work, using recent bibliography (last 5 years) and, preferably periodicals.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Depending on the nature of the work, a characterization of the experimental area must be inserted, clarifying the conditions under which the study was performed. When the methods are specifically known to be used, the reference alone will be enough, otherwise it is necessary to describe the procedures used and the adaptations made. Units of measure and symbols must follow the International System of Units. 

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Illustrations (figures, charts, and photographs, etc.) must be presented with sufficient size and details for the final composition, preferably in the same position in the text, and may be colored. Illustrations can have parts that are colored, and the caption below. They must be numbered successively with Arabic numerals. Tables: avoid long tables with superfluous data, adapt their sizes to the workspace of the paper and, as far as possible, place only horizontal continuous lines; their captions should be concise and self-explanatory, and should also present the title in English. Photographs can be colored. In the discussion compare the results with the data obtained in the bibliography.

CONCLUSIONS: They should be based only on the results of the study. Avoid repeating the results in a subsequent listing, seeking to compare what was obtained with the initial objectives established. The conclusions should be written making it easier to interpret the article without the need to consult other items of the same.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S): insert it (them) when necessary concisely, after the conclusions.

REFERENCES: The references should be placed in alphabetic order and normalized according to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (http://www.apastyle.org). All authors mentioned in the text and in tables, figures or illustrations should be referenced. Avoid citations of abstracts, unpublished papers and personal communications. It is suggested that at least 70% of the references be from the last 5 years and 70% from articles and periodicals.

CITATIONS: All citations in the text should be in the list of References. The citations in the text should appear in small letters and, when inserted between parentheses at the end of the paragraph, should be in capital letters. If there are other citations of the same author(s), in the same year (other publications), they will be identified by small letters (a, b, c), after the year of publication. When there are three or more authors only the first author will be cited in the text, followed by et al, without italics, but in the final bibliographic list, the other names should also appear. When making a citation the work consulted directly is identified: the author and/or the work cited in this is indicated as follows: SILVA(2010) apud Santos (2012). If there are any doubts, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (http://www.apastyle.org). It is advisable that before drafting the manuscript, the authors take an article published in the last issue of the journal as a formatting base.


Technical Note

It must present technological advances without presenting a hypothesis. When it is a case study, the conclusions should present propositions. It should be written in technical language, easy to understand, on an issue related to the fields of knowledge covered by the Journal, by author(s) showing experience on the subject matter, providing guidance for the different REGA users. Only the presentation of articles that contribute to the subject is justified, not simply personal cases or cases with a limited interest. There is greater freedom of style than for scientific articles, and technical notes should mostly contain the following items: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Description of the Subject, Conclusions and References. The authors’ identification will be included only after the article is accepted for publication. The articles must be written according to the same guidelines for Scientific Articles, with the following particularities;

The header of the first page should show the identification:: TECHNICAL NOTE,  in capital letters, underlined, bold, centered and spaced 1.1 cm from the top margin.

INTRODUCTION:  should contain a brief history, explaining the importance, the current status of the subject based on a review of the literature, clearly presenting the purpose of the article.

DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT: with different titles that can be divided into sub-items, one should discuss the subject, pointing out the theoretical bases, presenting experiences and recommendations, discussing and critiquing situations, based as much as possible on bibliography and technical standards.

CONCLUSIONS: when appropriate, they should be written clearly and concisely, consistent with the goals set.  It should not be a simple restatement simply presenting the other paragraphs of the article again.




One author:
In paragraph  Silva (2000) or
Between parentheses: (Silva, 2000)

Two authors:
In paragraph Santos and Luz (2010) or
Between parentheses: (Santos & Luz, 2010)

Three or more authors:
In paragraph: Melo et al. (2012)
Between parentheses: (Melo et al., 2012)

Documents by the same author, published the same year:
In paragraph:  Brasil (2000a, 2000b)
Between parentheses: (Brasil, 2000a, 2000b)
Citation with page number
One page: Santos & Luz (2010, p10)
Page interval: (Santos & Luz, 2010, pp. 11-21) 



Include only the references cited in the text, in tables and illustrations that have already been published, organized in alphabetic order by surname of author (s) and capital letters. Use the typographic resource in italics to highlight the title of the work. At least 70% of the references should be from the last 5 years and 70% from articles in periodicals. If there is any doubt, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (http://www.apastyle.org).


Brown, A. E., Western, A. W., McMahon, T. A., & Zhang, L. (2013). Impact of forest cover changes on annual streamflow and flow duration curves. Journal of Hydrology483, 39-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.12.031
Vaz, C. A. B., & Silveira, G. L. (2014). O modelo PEIR e base SIG no diagnóstico da qualidade ambiental em sub-bacia hidrográfica urbana. RBRH19(2), 281-298. Recuperado em 20 de setembro de 2019, de: https://www.abrh.org.br/SGCv3/index.php?PUB=1&ID=165&SUMARIO=4757

Ioris, A. A. R. (Ed.). (2012). Tropical wetland management: the South-American Pantanal and the international experience. Farnham: Ashgate.

Ruiz, H. A., Ferreira, P. A., Rocha, G. C., & Borges Junior, J. C. F. (2010). Transporte de solutos no solo. In Q. J. van Lier (Ed.), Física do solo (pp. 213-240). Viçosa: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.

Renner, L. C. (2010). Geoquímica de sills basálticos da formação Serra Geral, sul do Brasil, com base em rocha total e micro-análise de minerais (Tese de doutorado). Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina.

Costa, L. (2014). Contribuições para um modelo de gestão da água para a produção de bens e serviços a partir do conceito de pegada hídrica (Dissertação de mestrado). Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. Recuperado em 20 de setembro de 2019, de http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3136/tde-29122014-170217/fr.php

Berlato, M. A., Martins, E. J., Cordeiro, A. P. A., & Oderich, E. H. (2007). Tendência observada da precipitação pluvial anual e estacional do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e relação com a temperatura da superfície do mar do Oceano Pacífico. In Anais do XV Congresso Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia [CD-ROM]. Campinas: CBAGRO.

Fechine, J. A. L., & Galvíncio, J. D. (2010). Aplicação do teste de Menn Kendall na análise de tendências climáticas em anos de El Niño - Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Pontal – Estado de Pernambuco. In Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. São José dos Campos: INPE. Recuperado em 20 de setembro de 2019, de http://www.sbmet.org.br/cbmet2010/artigos/42_65198.pdf 

Brasil. Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente – CONAMA. (2005, 18 de março). Resolução CONAMA nº 357, de 17 de março de 2005. Dispõe sobre a classificação dos corpos de água e diretrizes ambientais para o seu enquadramento, bem como estabelece as condições e padrões de lançamento de efluentes, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília.

Agência Nacional de Águas - ANA. (2019, 08 de outubro). Recuperado em 20 de setembro de 2019, de https://www.ana.gov.br/