Diffuse pollution models

Challenges, strategies and impacts to water resources management


  • David Bispo Ferreira Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ana Paula Mühlenhoff Federal University of Parana
  • Cristóvão Vicente Scapulatempo Fernandes Federal University of Parana


Diffuse pollution modeling, Water resources management, Geographic Information Systems


Nonpoint pollution is simultaneously a technical and socioeconomical challenge. Surface water quality is a direct consequence of activities developed within a watershed. The Increasing watershed impermeabilization and extensive usage of industrial chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, in addition to products and services inherent to economic development are the main factors associated to nonpoint pollution inputs. As it takes place within the hydrological cycle, nonpoint pollution is very diversified regarding sources and pathways. Within that context, nonpoint pollution modelling is an important support tool to source area identification and to the decision-making process, aiming to achieve impact mitigation and implementation of water resource management instruments. The choice of a nonpoint pollution model must consider well defined criteria. This work presents a review of nonpoint pollution models, focusing on the implementation of water resource management instruments to the Brazilian reality. Additionally, it presents the main challenges and current directions of nonpoint monitoring and modelling

Author Biographies

David Bispo Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Graduated as a Civil Construction technician in the Parana State School(2009). Graduated in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Parana(2016). At Portland State University(2015-16), studied one year abroad, mainly with subsurface systems and contaminant transport, water and wastewater treatment systems and Geographical Environmental Systems(GIS). Developed undergraduate research project in hydroenvironmental monitoring. Published in the XX Brazilian Water Resources Symposium, advised by Dr. Cristovao Vicente Scapulatempo Fernandes(DHS-UFPR). Has professional experience with plumbing systems for civil construction and drainage systems. Currently enrolled on the Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Post-graduate program at the Federal University of Parana, focusing in Hydrological Simulation, drainage systems and nonpoint pollution.

Ana Paula Mühlenhoff, Federal University of Parana

Civil engineer graduated at Federal University of Parana(2013). Masters degree earned at the Water resources and Environmental Post-graduate program at the Federal University of Parana(2016), focusing in the water resources area. Currently enrolled at the doctoral program in the Water resources and Environmental Post-graduate program at the Federal University of Parana. Specialist in water resources, hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling and water quality

Cristóvão Vicente Scapulatempo Fernandes, Federal University of Parana

Civil engineer graduated at the Federal Unversity of Parana(1984). Masters in hydraulical engineering at the Federal Unversity of Parana(1984). Phd in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Toronto (Canada - 2001). Associate professor at the Hydraulics and Sanitation department at the Federal Unversity of Parana. Coordinator of the Water resources and environmental engineering program post-graduate program during 2004-2007. Experienced in hydrology, hydraulics, sanitation engineering, focusing in surface water quality, drinking water supllies, diffuse pollution, calibration of mathematical models and water quality and environmental monitoring strategies. Finished post-doctoral internship at the Colorado State University.

