Water quality of runoff percolated in permeable concrete pavement dosed by different methods



Runoff, Permeable pavements, Pervious concrete, Percolation


Runoff can cause urban flooding as well as carry a high load of pollutants. The permeable concrete pavement can retain pollutants present in the runoff and reduce its volume. Thus, the percolation effect of runoff on permeable concrete pavements executed with three different dosing methods, American Concrete Institute (ACI) (2010), Zheng, Chen and Wang (2012) and Nguyen et al. (2014) was evaluated. The aim was to analyze the pollutant retention in permeable pavements and take into account different flow rates. Three pavements were built on a laboratory scale, one for each dosing method. Regarding the evaluation of the percolation effect, the following parameters were analyzed in the runoff and after the percolation: apparent color, turbidity, pH, copper, zinc, and total coliforms. ACI and Nguyen et al. provided an average reduction of more than 65% for turbidity and more than 50% for apparent color. The total coliforms removal was over 95% for the three dosing methods. The zinc concentration reduction was similar for the three dosing methods, and copper concentration was higher in the Nguyen et al. method, on average 83.8%.

Author Biographies

Nayara Becker, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (2015). Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Universidade Regional de Blumenau Foundation (2018), in which the quality of surface runoff water from its percolation on the permeable concrete pavement was evaluated. In laboratory experiments, the interference of three permeable concrete dosage methods on the quality of runoff was analyzed: American Concrete Institute (2010), Nguyen et al. (2014), and Zheng, Chen, and Wang (2012). Currently studying for a Doctorate in Environmental Engineering at the Post-Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering at Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau. In the doctorate, the project´s continuations in the master's program are being carried out, with the application in loco of the dosage method that obtained a better response. The proposal is to apply the permeable concrete pavement in the university parking lot and evaluate the interference of the permeable concrete pavement in the water quality of the surface runoff in a situation with the occurrence of climatic and traffic adversities.

Mariana Garcia Conegero, Blumenau Regional University Foundation

Graduate student in Production Engineering - Leonardo da Vinci University Center and graduated in Chemical Engineering - Universidade Regional de Blumenau. He worked voluntarily in the Microbiology laboratory of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau and the research project "SENSORIAL AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL STABILITY OF SHORT-LIFE SHELF FOODS STORED IN DIFFERENT REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGIES", he worked on the projects "Determination of Hormones in Liquid Waste Culture" .", "Greywater Treatment by Slow Filtration and Adsorption", "Greywater Treatment by Slow Filtration and Adsorption - Composite Filter", "Quality Analysis of Filtered Water in Permeable Concrete Executed with Different Dosage Methods" all projects with a CNPq grant. She currently works as a volunteer in the research project "PERMEABLE CONCRETE DOSED BY DIFFERENT METHODS". She completed the mandatory curricular internship at Duas Rodas Industrial Ltda. in Microbiological Quality Control where in addition to assisting in microbiological analysis she also assisted in some projects involving quality tools and environmental monitoring.

Ivone Gohr Pinheiro, Blumenau Regional University Foundation

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1985) and Ph.D. in Physique et Chimie de L'environnement - Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (1996). She is a professor at the Universidade Regional de Blumenau Foundation, working in undergraduate and graduate education with the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Engineering. In this, in addition to teaching the disciplines of Scientific Research Methodology and Solid Waste Management, he has conducted guidelines in the area of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, with emphasis on the treatment and use of rainwater and gray water, treatment and use of solid waste, aiming the management of these resources and studies on permeable concrete. She is the editor of the Journal of Environmental Studies.

