Shared management of a river basin in the brazilian semi-arid: evaluation in the light of socioecological systems and institutional principles



Water resources, Shared management, Governance, Sustainability


Faced with different stresses and uncertain scenarios, watersheds need to improve their governance to ensure a good relationship with water resources. Therefore, the present study analyzes the model of governance and shared management of water resources in the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu River Basin (BHRPPA), located in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The research considers the institutional principles enunciated by Elinor Ostrom, as well as the structure of socioecological systems (SES) for better characterization of the basin. The research presents aspects that suggest coherence and inconsistencies between the governance model and the institutional principles of Ostrom, which made it possible to identify positive aspects and weaknesses. Among the positive issues, one can note the collective action efforts of the participating actors, in the construction of robust and efficient institutional arrangements in the decision-making arenas for the negotiated allocations of water and regulatory frameworks for strategic reservoirs. The congruence between institutional principles and the practice of governance is not fully found. It is also mentioned that the two methodological tools used were useful to improve knowledge about the shared basin studied and, with that, indicate possible improvements.


