Variabilidade climática e qualidade da água em três lagoas da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Tramandaí, RS, Brasil


  • Viviane Tavares Pimentel UERGS
  • Cacinele Mariana da Rocha Ceclimar, UFRGS


El Niño, ENOS, Precipitação, Evaporação, Litoral Norte do RS


Water quality can be significantly altered by human action and climate variability. Factors such as precipitation, evaporation and temperature increases can cause changes the physical-chemical water parameters. The present study aimed to correlate water quality data with climatic factors observing changes over the years. Water quality data was collected between 2009 and 2019 in three lakes belonging to the Tramandaí River Basin, namely Passo, Quadros and Itapeva Lagoons. Through multivariate analysis it was possible to verify that climatic factors such as precipitation, evaporation and the difference between them generate great influence on water quality, being responsible for 26 % of the data variance, while water temperature, humidity and wind speed are linked to 12 % of the variances. 11% of variance is due to salinity, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus. Thus, the results of this study show the influence of climate on local water quality, indicating that apart from local effects already known, it is necessary to consider the consequences in water quality on a broader scale.

