The impact of soil loading on the rainwater drainage of paved streets, a practical analysis



erosion, soil, loading, storm drainage, Urban Drainage, unpaved roads


In Brazil, more than 70% of the roads are not paved, which favors the impact of storms. In this context, the storm drainage galleries of paved roads end up receiving sediments from these unpaved areas, which can cause total or partial obstruction and consequent loss of hydraulic capacity. The objective of this work was to analyze the impact of soil carry-over from unpaved roads on the stormwater drainage system of paved roads. The investigation method included experimental field analysis and monitoring for a period of six months. A sediment collector was built and installed inside the storm drain, and the sediment deposition process was observed. The materials deposited in the drainage system were characterized according to their granulometry. This study demonstrated that the type of coating used on the analyzed unpaved roads is inadequate, due to the high rate of erodibility and sedimentation, with a tendency to accelerate the silting up of galleries. In addition, the rate of soil carry-over to the storm sewer from the analyzed unpaved road was measured at 3.99 kg.m-2.year-1 of soil, which is 4 to 20 times greater than in places where there are only paved roads. It was estimated that this amount of carried soil can impact 19 meters of storm sewers per year.

