

Engagement, Stakeholder, Water Resources


This study aimed to verify the level of stakeholder engagement in Brazilian water governance. A content analysis was carried out of all 73 minutes and full reports of the meetings of the National Council of Water Resources (CNRH) available, referring to the period between 1998, year of creation of the body, and 2021. data, the significant participation of stakeholder segments in national water governance was observed, not only through non-deliberative manifestations, but also through the exercise of decision-making power. It was concluded that all stakeholder segments are at level 3 of the engagement scale, which corresponds to empowerment. Within this level, which is subdivided into three, the stakeholder segments concentrated on the two highest levels of engagement, which are delegated power and control by the stakeholder. By verifying the levels of stakeholder engagement, this theoretical construct is operationalized, transforming it into concrete knowledge, capable of being applied, measured and consolidated. This contributed to filling the gap in knowledge about stakeholder engagement, demonstrating the adequacy of the construct to the reality of the National Water Resources Policy. The engagement matrix used can serve as a model for state water resources policies and foreign public policies.

Author Biographies

Carinna Gonçalves Simplicio, Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas (IGAM)

Post-doctorate in Philosophy of Law from the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, in Germany, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Dr. H. C. Mult. Robert Alexy; Post-doctorate in Administration from the University of São Paulo (USP); PhD in Legal Theory, with CAPES scholarship; Sandwich Doctorate Internship at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Dr. H. C. Mult. Robert Alexy, with a CAPES scholarship; Doctorate in Administration; Master's degree in Business Law; Specialization in Public Law; lawyer and psychologist. Scientific Editor of the Revista Mineira de Recursos Hídricos (RMRH). Public servant (Environmental Analyst specializing in Law) at the Minas Gerais Water Management Institute (IGAM). He has experience in the areas of Environmental Law, Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, Constitutional Law, Scientific Methodology, Business Law, Administrative Law, Public Administration, Water Resources Management, Ethics, Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Psychology and Psychoanalysis.

João Maurício Gama Boaventura, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Graduated in Administration and Accounting Sciences from FEA-USP. Master and PhD in Administration from the University of São Paulo. Post-Doctorate in Administration at EAESP-FGV and Associate Professor at FEA-USP. He is currently a Professor at FEA-USP and also worked as a Professor at the Fundação Instituto de Administração-FIA, the Fundação Escola Comércio Álvares-FECAP and the Master's Program in Administration at Universidade Paulista-UNIP. Editor of the Brazilian Business Management Magazine - RBGN and reviewer for the Administration Magazine - RAUSP, the Gestão & Regionalidade Magazine, the Angrad Magazine and the Administration and Innovation Magazine - RAI. He carries out research in the Administration Area, with an emphasis on Strategy on the topics: Scenarios, Strategy, Business Network, Clusters and Stakeholders.

