A sustentabilidade hídrica das bacias hidrográficas



Sustentabilidade hídrica, Bacia hidrográfica, Revisão sistemática


Changes in development routes in the most diverse countries of the world have made it imperative to search for sustainable and efficient models to equate character environmental, economic and social problems. In this perspective and due to the recurrent events characterized by long periods of drought, enhanced by the ongoing climate crisis, permanently fueled by the impacts of anthropogenic activities, a scenario of worrying water and, consequently, food insecurity is consolidated in several regions of the world. This framework has leveraged the most diverse motivations in the search for methods to assess the water sustainability of river basins. Thus, this important and concerning panorama underpins the study presented here, which is based on a systematic review regarding water sustainability in river basins, aiming to visualize different approaches to the topic. The bibliometric analyses carried out identified with greater expressiveness articles that evaluate only the population's water supply and water management in the characterization of sustainability. In this context, the need to stimulate applications of methodologies that consider the other aspects of an extremely dynamic water system and that allow the analysis of different dimensions from the perspective of the sustainability of the river basin is emphasized, enabling a better and deeper basis for the decision-making process of water management.

